We invite you to take part in the work of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference on Pedagogical Education “Sustainable Development of Education: Mission. Transformations. Resources”, which will be held on April 27-30, 2022 at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia).
Leading national and international experts in teacher education take part in the conference.
Conference goals:
- search for new paradigms of education, modern resources for career and methodological support of transregional and international pedagogical communities;
- bringing together employers, education professionals and representatives of the national and international scientific community to expand scientific and practical links and strengthen scientific interaction;
- updating the strategic tasks of ensuring the competitive quality of educational activities and developing strategies for improving the modern education system;
- dissemination of the best domestic and foreign practices and pedagogical innovations at all levels of education in the Lifelong Learning format.
International events within the framework of the conference:
- II Symposium on the Anthropological Mission of Modern Education;
- V International Symposium for Foreign Language Teachers "Insights into Modern Linguistic Education. Europe - Asia: Dialogue of Cultures";
- III International Forum "I am a Mentor";
- I International Symposium "Clinical anthropology and developmental neuropsychology: quality of life, well-being and longevity";
- II International Symposium "STEAMTeach: vector of development of modern education";
- I International Symposium "Philosophical Education in the Age of Digital Humanities".
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