
Project meetings

Project meetings serve as an efficient instrument to communicate, to solve problems, and plan activities. There will be six face –to- face coordination meetings and six online meetings.

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Training workshops

Training is aimed at enhancing teaching and organizational skills of key target groups. Methodology for training is based on the cascade model and uses multi-application strategy: first, provision of training for a small group of teachers, then the trained trainers will develop training programs and deliver training online and face-to-face to target groups during pilot STEM events.

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Dissemination events

STEM project considers dissemination as a priority action and will start it in the very beginning from making the project visible on all levels, and implementing main activities throughout the whole project duration at institutional, national and international level.

The project dissemination and exploitation strategy is aimed at delivering a strong organizational and methodological impact on STEM developments of partner universities on international, national, and institutional level. This strategy will be implemented through the following measures:

  • a set of awareness raising programs will be designed for teachers, students, administrators, children, parents incorporating STEM information days and weeks,  international university fairs,  T&L resources, national dissemination workshops and mass media campaigns.
  • a set of project visibility instruments: project web site with a detailed information on all deliverables and events, project leaflets in all project languages submitted to National Erasmus+ offices and disseminated through partners’ networks, handbook of best practice, science festivals and final project conference targeted at regional universities.

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Summer schools

During the project implementation, 2 international summer schools “New trends in STEM education” will be held at SKSU and IKBFU with the participation of the EU and RU and AZ lecturers.






Staff and students mobility 

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Final Conference

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