In L.N. Gumilyov ENU on February 24, 2021 the conference "STEM - education" was held. The purpose of the conference is to support and disseminate the best pedagogical experience of workers in the education system, develop their creative potential and professional skills in the STEM direction. Teachers and scientists of higher educational institutions, principals and teachers at schools, teachers of colleges, institutes for advanced training of educators, regional methodological centers and interschool methodological centers, undergraduates and students are invited to participate in the conference.
The following sections worked within the framework of the conference:
STEM in teaching computer science;
STEM in a comprehensive school;
STEM in education: the experience of foreign teachers.
Conference organizers: L.N. Gumilyov ENU (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan), Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don).
During the conference, the following issues were discussed: STEM education, content, prospects and directions of development, resources and opportunities of the school, institutions of additional education in the development of STEM education, prospects for cooperation with educational organizations and projects, high-tech enterprises and business structures, the use of educational opportunities online platforms in the organization of STEM education in distance and mixed formats.
As a result of the conference, diplomas and certificates for participation were awarded for the best reports.
An electronic version of the collection of reports was published (ISBN 978- 601-326-539-1). Attended by about 40 people.
A banner was made and used during the STEM week.