STEM Teacher Training February 2022
East Kazakhstan University

February 22, 2022 online teacher training course within the framework as part of STEM teacher training. The report presented the developed MOOC - electronic training course for teachers "Robotics on the Arduino platform" when implementing STEM training (the authors are teachers A. Dzhaksalykova, K. Sarbasova, M. Tolykbaeva).

From December 2021 - February 2022 - Joint training courses for teachers. Partner universities M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Shymkent city, RK), Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don city, Russian Federation), scientific research Belgorod State University "BelSU", Belgrade city, Russian Federation, Baltic University name of I.Kant, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University participated (Nur-Sultan, RK) (Photo 28).
All course materials were divided into subjects: mathematics and physics, chemistry and biology, computer science and robotics, primary education. Each section chose one of six universities. East Kazakhstan University has chosen the direction of computer science and robotics.

We invited teachers of mathematics, computer science and robotics, subjects of the natural science cycle, primary classes and specialists of additional education of the East Kazakhstan region. The participants gained basic knowledge on an integrative approach to teaching traditional school subjects and practical skills in implementing STEM approaches in school lessons.February 22, 2022 – onlany-conducting a teacher training course. The report presented the developed MOOC - Electronic training course for teachers "Robotics on the Arduino platform" in the implementation of STEM training (the authors are teachers Dzhaksalykova A., Sarbasova K., Tolykbaeva M.).

Joint conduct of advanced training courses for teachers of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Shymkent, RK), Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don city, Russian Federation), NRU "BelSU", Belgrade, Russian Federation, I.Kant Baltic University, Kaliningrad city, Russian Federation, L.N. Gumilyova Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, RK). Participated Dzhaksalykova A., Sarbasova K., Tolykbaeva M., Kadyrova A., Adikanova S., 8 undergraduates of training programs "Informatics", "STEM education".

According to the schedule of this course, which began on December 01, 2021, the team of East Kazakhstan University showed didactic materials in an online format on February 22, 2022:

  1.  laboratory and practical tasks on the Arduino platform;
  2. Arduino robotics designer and developers, Arduino IDE software,
  3. Fritzing program,
  4. Arduino Circuits Simulator ( All materials are aimed at the formation of practical skills in STEAM-learning in school education, the use of modern tools.
  5. Electronic course on the STEPIK platform for advanced training of teaching staff "Robotics on the Arduino platform" in the implementation of STEM training" (authors Tolykbaeva M., a lecturer of the Computer Modeling and Information Technology Department, a doctoral student Sarbasova K., Dzhaksylykova A., a lecturer of the Computer Modeling and Information Technology Department). The e-course was shown at joint seminars with partner universities in February 2022.
Photos of the event