BelSU will launch a new STEM Teacher Traning Master Program in the academic year 2020-2021


The joint project implemented by Russian universities including Belgorod State University as well as universities of Sweden, Ireland, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Finland started in 2019 and is based on the agreement between the universities and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the EU. The project is supported by the grant of €926 229 part of which amounting to €100 000 has been allotted to BelSU for establishing STEM Centre, developing a Master program and organizing academic mobility of students and teaching staff, conducting methodology seminar on quality assurance of the summer program realization at BelSU.


Since the launch of the project the partner countries representatives have learned the best practices in STEM programs realization at the universities in Ireland and Finland, the international network of STEM centres located at the project partner universities have been created.


Belgorod State University regularly becomes the venue for activities aimed at STEM subjects popularization among schoolchildren which are held at Open Engineering Centre. In July 2020 the university held an online summer school on Modern Trends of STEM Education for students, on 1 September Master students will be trained in a new field of study – STEM Teacher Training.