"Integrated approach to STEM education" Training pilot workshop
3/25/21  - 3/26/21
East Kazakhstan State University

The "Integrated approach to STEM education" webinar was held on March 25-26.2021. More than 280 teachers and students from Russia and Kazakhstan took part in this event.

Irina Rovnyakova, vice-rector for strategic development and scientific work of the East Kazakhstan State University welcomed all the participants of the webinar.

Maxim Bondarev, the chair of initial education of Southern Federal University presented “Stem education and practices of training talented students in Science and engineering in Russia”.

Irina Rovnyakova presented “Stem education practices in Kazakhstan”. Both presentations gave impulse to a lively discussion on STEM practices in these countries.

The Finnish colleagues from University of Helsinki Oona Kiviluoto and Outi Haatainen shared their experience in the integrated education. They presented successful cases on the project-based training at schools in Finland. Speakers told in detail about LUMA centre activities aimed at different children of different ages. They played the video on the early identification of forest fires made by teenagers as a sample of project-based learning.

 The participants of the webinar were interested in the LUMA model of collaboration and project-based learning.

 During the second day of the webinar teachers and students made presentations on applications of the project-based learning within different fields of study:

- on robotics and STEM projects (professor of the Eurasian National University М. Серік and representatives of the “Nazarbayev Smart schools” S. Nurgalieva and B. Akhmetova );

- «Robotics with gamification as a sample of STEM approach» (the chair of computer modeling and information technologies department of the East Kazakhstan State university J. Jantasova );

- on 3 d cloud modeling (associate professor of computer modeling and information technologies department of the East Kazakhstan State university A. Kadyrova);

- on using STEM technologies for the development of design thinking and on Arduino platform for the integration of digital technologies within Computer science (teachers of the East Kazakhstan State University B. Tolykbayeva, K. Sarbasova and M. Elimhan).

 After a small break, Russian high school students (school N3 and “Algorithm of success” in Belgorod), presented their STEM projects within the following topics: “Modeling in biology”, “Interactive projects in geography”, “Visual projects in astronomy and robotics”.

Speakers from South Kazakhstan University and “Nazarbayev Smart schools” in Shymkent told about the implementation of STEM approach in Computer Science.


The webinar was held online in ZOOM. You can liste to the speakers on the link

Photos of the event