In connection with the holding of Erasmus Days on October 15, 2021, an exhibition of projects was held at the L.N. Gumilyov ENU. All interested persons took part in the exhibition, including coordinators for international cooperation, teaching staff and students of the faculty.
The Erasmus Days exhibition is a continuation of the work of the previous stage of the Erasmus + Program and the beginning of a new stage.
Purpose of the exhibition:
familiarization of the general public with the achievements and results of the projects;
organization of practical sessions (trainings) to disseminate the results of projects with the active involvement of participants;
demonstrating the impact of projects at the individual, institutional and national levels,
as well as awareness and dissemination of the project "Integrated Approach to STEM Teacher Training".
Members of the "Integrated Approach to STEM Teacher Training" project group presented information about STEM education, information materials on STEM education, booklets of the educational program "7M01525-STEM Education", certificates of participation of teaching staff in the work of various conferences, seminars and festivals.
Members of the STEM education project conducted career guidance among the visitors, there were many questions of interest to them.
Holding this event will be an opportunity to promote the idea of the project, to establish contacts with new partners.