About Project

The wider project objective is to enhance the quality of STEM Teacher training at partner universities in line with Bologna provisions and needs of knowledge economy.

Specific project objectives:

  • To develop STEM Teacher Training Master programs based on an integrated approach;
  • To set up STEM regional resource centres providing consulting and engagement services;
  • To train STEM ambassadors;
  • To train teachers in new skills.

The project is aimed at tackling the partner countries needs in qualified STEM teachers by enhancing quality of STEM education: A unique Master program will be developed in the Teacher training on the basis of integrated approach in consultation with the EU partners. First, the teachers engaged in the new program delivery, then a wider circle of teachers from consortium members and regional universities and schools will be trained in the-state-of-the-art T&A methods.

The achievement of outputs is reached through the implementation of 6 work packages:

1. PREPARATION "Best policies and practices"

2. DEVELOPMENT "STEM Master's program development"

3. DEVELOPMENT "Training framework"

4. QUALITY PLAN "Quality assurance of project implementation"

5. DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION "Project visibility and sustainability"

6. MANAGEMENT "Efficient project management and coordination"

 During the preparation phase the main project policies and plans will be devised and analysis of key employers' needs conducted. During the development phase main outputs are to be produced. Training of teachers will be done through the cascade model: first, the train the trainer program will be introduced for a small number of qualified teachers; then the trained trainers will transfer the skills to a wider circle of STEM stakeholders. All project outputs will be internally and externally evaluated. The project consortium consists of 10 universities from 4 EU countries and 6 universities from Russia and Kazakhstan. The associated partners will be actively involved in training and disseminating activities.

Duration of the project: January 2019 - September 2022